Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Happy Wednesday!

I usually enjoy Wednesday better than any other weekday because Grandma Cheryl is off work.  This generally means I get some type of respite from 1 or more of my children for SOME period of time.  Right now all three of them are swimming (with their cousins).  YIPPIE!

I am also VERY happy to report that I have finished the boy's portfolios for the 2007-2008 school year.  (For those who don't know, one option for year end evaluation in the state of FL is to complete a portfolio of their work from throughout the year.  While I am pretty good about keeping all of their papers and things together, June usually finds me scrambling to get it all completed.)  I was concerned because this was the first year I had to do 2 portfolios.  Just wait until I get to do 3 of them!  Now I just have to get my friend (a certified teacher) to sign off on them and we will be DONE with this year. 

I was a bit apprehensive about "completing" this year because I feel like we didn't do very much "school".  I have told a lot of people this, but I counted up the nights I spent away from my home this past year - it was 62!  So, I was feeling a bit like the "slacker" homeschool Mom when it came to "checking off the boxes".  However, I have come to the realization that we have had a landmark year as a family and the things we learned, you can't get from a book.  I have found peace in God's amazing ability to provide for us - exceedingly and abundantly above all that we could ask or think.  (How do you quantify that into a portfolio?).  

Off to make the bed and do some ironing.  Sound fun?

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