Monday, July 21, 2008

Book Recommendation

Have you read "The Shack" yet?  I first heard about it on my Five in a Row message boards.  Everybody's opinions were VERY strong, and I intentionally decided to stay away from it.   Then my parent's picked up a copy last month and highly recommended it, so I decided to give it a try. 

I don't like it when people say that books are SO fabulous because I feel like they can't live up to that expectation.  I will say, this book is THAT fabulous.  Please go pick up a copy and read it!  I would love to chat with you about it!  


Fran said...

I read it while in Texas. Wow! I LOVED it. Ed is in the process of reading it right now so we can pick it apart together. It was a very powerful book for me. I still haven't fully digested it.

Love to you,

wisewoman said...

Sarah et al,
It is so interesting for me to go on the virtual road trip with you brave souls. I loved seeing the picture of you and Ella with Lisa and Angelise. Friendship comes full circle. Just think, someday you and Amy may go visit Ella and Charley and their kids - who knows where?
Enjoy the journey.