Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Mystery Picture

So, the question is - WHAT do the items in this picture have in common?

ANSWER?  They were all found in the underside lining of our couch!  Mike was looking for the remote control - which had been missing for 2 weeks.  So, he pulled off the underside of the couch - low and behold - the remote control.  And some bonus items as well!  

We started back to school yesterday - VERY light.  We just did Math, Copywork and "Building on the Rock" (our worldview curriculum from Summit Ministries).  We might add in some Language Arts today. . .We'll see.  

TODAY is our anniversary - 13 years!!  HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MICHAEL!  I LOVE YOU!!

1 comment:

Learned Family said...

The funny thing is - I knew the answer! LOL. You are doing a marvelous job with the blog site. The pictures and your updates are fabulous, Sarah!