Saturday, September 6, 2008

Qumran and Jerusalem

Amy & I got up and ran 5 miles this morning. There was a nice brick walkway that was parallel to the Dead Sea. It was amazing to run along and watch the sunrise. However, it was VERY HOT!! We saw lots of other people out exercising along the same path, but we were the only ones stupid enough to be running. Oh well - we lived to tell about it! We didn't bring our camera this time, but saw some more interesting art that we WOULD have photographed - had we brought it.

After our run we packed up and left the "lowest place on earth". We headed north to Qumran which is the location where the Dead Sea scrolls were found. We shot 3 podcasts here in the HOT HOT sun. Well, Mike did set us up in the shade, but by the time we finished taping, I was in the sun.

We had lunch at Qumran and then headed to Jerusalem. Qumran is actually located in the PA, so we had to do border crossing (x2) today, but it turned out to be a non-event. Both times we just rolled through without being stopped. (Just in case we WERE stopped, we had already figured out that Mike's Grandfather's name was Seymore! LOL!).

We were having trouble figuring out where to go for dinner, so we ended up asking the security guard in front of the hotel. He and the other employee (bell hop?) were very entertaining - coming up with all sorts of options for us. We settled on a place called the Focaccia Bar. It was YUMMY!

There will be a separate post for dinner, b/c we had so much fun with dinner cam tonight, but AFTER dinner, I found my coveted M&M's at a tiny convenience store. YIPPIE! We also saw a building that we took a picture of for Grandma Cheryl - it said it was the original site for a maternity hospital.

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