Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Day 12 - Canaan Valley, WV

We had a great time at our cabin today.  We took the kids on a hike to a waterfall (It was really more of a decent down 214 stairs, but it was fun).  The falls were called Blackwater Waterfalls.  There were some CRAZY people swimming at the bottom of the falls.  They must have been COLD!

The kids also had fun in the hot tub, and playing on the property.  There were some woods and apple trees in the front yard.  If you look closely you can see Spencer in the apple tree!

BTW, the rental cabin was SUPPOSED to have WiFi, but it didn't really.  The owners told us that we could "sometimes" get it if we sat in one bedroom.  So, we spent a lot of time trying to find a decent connection - we are pretty sure they didn't really have internet, but were using the neighbors. 

The boys got to see shooting stars last night!  It was clear enough for them to see 3 and they were SOOOOO excited!  

1 comment:

Lifesong... said...

Uh, did you pick up an extra kid? The little blonde headed one!